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Scopus is a comprehensive abstract and citation database with enriched data and linked scholarly literature across a wide variety of disciplines. It identifies experts and provides access to reliable data, metrics and analytical tools.

Author search

To search for an author, select the 'Authors' tab [1]. From the 'Search using' dropdown [2], select 'Author name' to search by name or select 'ORCID' to search by ORCID number. When searching by author name, the last name of the author is required [3]. You can also enter a first name or initials, and an affiliation name to further narrow your results [4].

What is a Scopus Author profile?

Scopus Author Profiles allow researchers to:

  • Demonstrate their reputation and the impact of their outputs
  • Attract other researchers for networking and collaboration 
  • Inform promotion and tenure dossiers, and personal CVs
  • Add context and breadth to grant applications

Author Profiles allow potential employers and funding agencies to:  

  • Evaluate your work quickly and easily in one place
  • Inform hiring and promotion decisions
  • Decide which researchers or teams of researchers will receive research grants

Author Profile sample

Creation of Scopus Author Profiles

Scopus is the only database that implements algorithmic and systematic author disambiguation. Powerful algorithmic data-processing groups papers to an individual's profile with a high degree of accuracy based on matching of name, email, affiliation, subject area, citations, and  co-authors.

Using Scopus Author Profile

Put your best foot forward with your digital profile: Review your Scopus Author Profile to make sure it is up to date with the latest publications and citations. This can help you accurately showcase your work to support networking and career development.
Identify leaders in the field: Whether you are looking for your next PI, mentor or collaborator, you can use Scopus Author Profiles to understand the scholarly landscape and find other researchers (globally and locally). 
Search for authors using the Author search functionality.

How to make changes in a Scopus Author Profile

Analyze author output

Explore an Author's output to see which research areas they are active in and their impact by reviewing:

  • Documents by subject
  • Documents by source
  • Documents by type
  • Documents by year
  • Total citations
  • h-index
  • Co-authors
  • Most contributed Topics (available on Author Details page)
  • Preprints (available on Author Details page)
  • Awarded grants (available on Author Details page)

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