Now that you know at which Campus Library and in which Collection the book you're looking for is housed, you need to find it on a shelf within that collection. You do this by identifying the book's call number (shelf number) from the record of the book in the Classic catalogue.
Read call numbers line by line from top to bottom and left to right.
HD Read the first line in alphabetical order. Single letters are filed before double letters.
30 Read the second line as a whole number.
.G46 The third line is a combination of letters and numbers.
Read the letter alphabetically.
Read the number as a decimal, e.g. 46 = .46
2021 Year of publication. Read the line in chronological order.
A sequence of spine labels with the call numbers arranged in the correct order as they would appear on the shelves is demonstrated as follows:
R 128 K79 |
R 128 K8 |
R 128 K8149 |
R 128 K825 |
R 128 L6 |
When there are two Cutter numbers, follow the same principle: letters alphabetically and numbers as decimal.
QA 76 .76 C65 H34 |
QA 76 .76 C68 L45 |
QA 76 .76 D47 F59 |
QA 76 .76 D47 G23 |
QA 76 .76 E54 C69 |
Different editions of the same work will have the same number but different years. File chronologically, from oldest to most recent edition.
BF 632 M8 2017 |
BF 632 M8 2019 |
BF 632 M8 2021 |
Now that you know at which Campus Library and in which Collection the book you're looking for is housed, you need to find it on a shelf within that collection. You do this by identifying the book's call number (shelf number) from the record of the book in the Classic catalogue.
Books and other library materials at the George Campus Library are arranged according to the Dewey Classification System.
A sequence of spine labels with the call numbers arranged in the correct order as they would appear on the shelves is demonstrated as follows:
The order is strictly numerical first then alphabetical. Please note that within the shelf address (call number), the number(s) following a full stop will be arranged in a decimal sequence, as the full stop (preceding the number) is a decimal point.
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