To engage with AccessMedicine and its content and resources, users need to create a free Access profile (upper-right sign in dropdown menu) in AccessMedicine. Users are encouraged to login each time they use the site. Download the PDF flyer below to learn more about creating an Access profile.
Instructors can link to content in AccessMedicine through their LMS using the durable URLs found in the browser of all text and chapter content, multimedia, cases, study tools, and clerkship content. For a tutorial on how to link to content in AccessMedicine via durable URLs, please view the brief video below.
Cases in AccessMedicine provide materials for short, targeted case-based learning. They vary slightly, but for each case you get a patient history and systems review, short answer questions, clinical pearls, references, and a comprehensive quiz. The results of the quizzes can be emailed and collected for a grade, e.g., student to instructor. Cases are durable URL-enabled and can be linked to in coursework, e.g., LMS course page, lecture slides, syllabus, etc. See the "Linking to Content" box in this guide to find out more about linking to content on AccessMedicine for course integration.
Click here to view all cases on AccessMedicine, including:
Study Tools in AccessMedicine provides thousands of review Q&A for board exam preparation and recertification and other resources, including:
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