Clinical Sports Medicine Collection ( comprises the world-leading Brukner & Khan’s Clinical Sports Medicine, the essential authoritative foundation for clinicians and students.
Written by an expert international team of more than 120 contributing authors from 19 countries, it covers fundamental principles as well as hot topics such as challenging hip pain, sudden death in sport, hamstring tear management, sideline emergency care and the latest in pain science.
The fifth edition Volume 1: Injuries is the essential guide to all aspects of preventing, diagnosing and treating sports-related injuries. It serves physiotherapists, team clinicians, athletic trainers, sports therapists, sports rehabilitators and trainers, as well as students in the health professions and in Human Movement Studies.
The Exercise Medicine Collection — abridged content from the fourth edition — serves general practitioners and other clinicians who prescribe exercise to promote health and to treat medical conditions such as heart disease and diabetes. Additional content will be forthcoming in Volume 2: Exercise Medicine.
The collection also includes more than 40 video master classes showing procedures such as foot examination, hip injections and basic bio-mechanical assessment.
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Instructors can link to content in Clinical Sports Medicine Collection through their LMS using the durable URLs found in the browser of all text and chapter content, multimedia, cases, study tools, and clerkship content. For a tutorial on how to link to content in Clinical Sports Medicine Collection via durable URLs, please view the brief video below.
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In each video, users can take advantage of the player tools found in the menu in the video, including to share and download. The accompanying transcript is available for each video on Clinical Sports Medicine Collection.
Brukner & Khan's Clinical Sports Medicine 5e, Volume 1: Injuries
Brukner & Khan’s Clinical Sports Medicine, the world-leading title in sport and exercise medicine, is an authoritative and practical guide to physiotherapy and musculoskeletal medicine for clinicians and students. This fifth edition has been split into two volumes and updated by an international team of sports physiotherapists and sports physicians. The first volume focuses on all aspects of preventing, diagnosing and treating sports-related injuries.
Fifteen new chapters include:
(Source: McGraw Hill)
Brukner & Khan's Clinical Sports Medicine 5e, Volume 2: The Medicine of Exercise
Sports Medicine’s Cornerstone Text – Updated with the Latest Research and Developments
The #1 text in Sports Medicine!
Brukner & Khan's Clinical Sports Medicine is the world-leading title in sports and exercise medicine, providing an authoritative foundation for clinicians and students. This complete practical guide to physiotherapy and musculoskeletal medicine covers all aspects of diagnosis and contemporary management of sports-related injuries. The Fifth Edition has been expanded to accommodate a much higher level of evidence-based content. It reflects the huge amount of new research and significant changes in thinking since the previous edition was published. The contributing editors are an international compilation of globally recognized experts within their fields. This is essential reading for sports medicine physicians, physical therapists, and physical therapy students.
Topics included in this volume:
(Source: McGraw Hill)
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