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Faculty of Education

A subject guide for the Faculty of Education



  • shows what sources you have used to research your topic.
  • it gives support and weight to your arguments and conclusions
  • to avoid accusations of plagiarism
  • it allows you to acknowledge the contribution of other researchers in your work


Plagiarism is the act of copying someone else's work and claiming it as your own.


Endnote is a software tool that manages your references and formats your bibliography.

Please link to Endnote 9 Guide and Tutorials by clicking:

Endnote X9

Vancouver Reference Tutorial

Vancouver is a numbered referencing style that is commonly used in medicine and science. It consists of:

  • the use of a number to indicate a citation to someone else's work in the text
  • a numbered list at the end of the document that provides full details of the in-text reference

For a detailed guide to Vancouver referencing please consult

Citing Medicine, 2nd edition The NLM Style Guide for Authors, Editors, and Publishers Karen Patrias; Dan Wendling, Technical Editor. 2007


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