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Library support in the research lifecycle

In this LibGuide, we will explore the symbiotic relationship between scholarly communication and academic library support, guiding researchers through the dynamic research lifecycle.

Nelson Mandela Institutional Repository


Exploring the Impact of Research and Academic Library Support:

  • Academic libraries play a critical role in preserving research outputs and promoting impact measurement.
  • Libraries provide guidance on utilizing impact metrics and facilitate access to repositories for long-term preservation.


Archiving and Accessing Theses/Dissertations through Academic Libraries:

•Academic libraries curate and archive theses/dissertations, ensuring their long-term accessibility.
•Researchers and students can access these valuable resources for reference and inspiration.

The Nelson Mandela University Institutional Repository houses electronic Theses and Dissertations (including those awarded by the former Port Elizabeth Technikon, University of Port Elizabeth, and Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University), Inaugural lectures, various University publications as well as other research outputs.

To access the Nelson Mandela University Archives and Exhibition Centre: Archives and Exhibition Centre

To access the SEALS (South East Academic Libraries System) repository:

NMU Library Website       Connect with us on: FaceBook   YouTube