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Library support in the research lifecycle

In this LibGuide, we will explore the symbiotic relationship between scholarly communication and academic library support, guiding researchers through the dynamic research lifecycle.

Research lifecycle

Research lifecycle

Navigating the research journey

Key Stages of the Research Lifecycle

1. Planning
  • Define research objectives and questions
  • Craft a strategic research plan and methodology
2Finding Resources
  • Explore a diverse array of scholarly materials
  • Access comprehensive databases, digital repositories, and interlibrary loan services
3. Evaluating and Citing Sources
  • Assess source credibility and relevance
  • Cite sources to enrich research integrity
4. Publishing
  • Share research insights with the academic community
  • Navigate publishing avenues, including open access possibilities
5. Preserving and Dissemination
  • Ensuring the long-term accessibility of research outputs
  • Utilizing academic library repositories for preservation and sharing
6. Impact
  • Measuring research influence through citations and engagement
  • Amplifying societal impact and scholarly contribution

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