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ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor Identification) is an open, not-for-profit organisation aiming to supply a persistent and unique identifier - an ORCID iD - to any individual involved in research, scholarship, and innovation activities.

What are ORCID iD's

ORCID is an acronym for "Open Researcher and Contributor IDentifier"

  • ORCID iDs are unique and persistent 16-digit identifiers for researchers.
  • They can be used in any institution for the duration of a researcher's career.
  • They are consistent across publishers', funding organizations', and research institutions' systems.
  • ORCID provides unpatented IDs to researchers for free.

ORCID is a community-driven research organization that provides:

  • a registry of unique identifiers for researchers (ORCID iDs),

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