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ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor Identification) is an open, not-for-profit organisation aiming to supply a persistent and unique identifier - an ORCID iD - to any individual involved in research, scholarship, and innovation activities.

Connect to ResearcherID on Web of Science

ResearcherID profiles, which were previously available in Publons, have been merged with the Web of Science interface.  It is now called “researcher profiles” and allows you to manage your publications, track citation counts and calculate your h-index. You can add publications that are indexed by Web of Science or import them from another source. You can also manage your peer reviews now on the researcher profile on Web of Science.

You should ensure that you only have one ResearcherID.  If you already have a profile, please remember to link it with ORCID.

Register for a researcher profile and link it to your ORCID iD:

  1. Register an account on the Web of Science platform (only if you don’t have a Researcher ID yet. First do a search under the “Researchers” tab to make sure whether you have a profile or not. If you have a profile, claim it and add your ORCID iD)
  2. Make sure that you connect your ORCID iD under “Settings” (see image below)
  3. On your profile page, click on edit and then the tab “ORCID syncing” to make sure that they are synced with each other (see image below)
  4. Add further information  to your profile

Read more about Web of Science researcher profiles here.



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