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ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor Identification) is an open, not-for-profit organisation aiming to supply a persistent and unique identifier - an ORCID iD - to any individual involved in research, scholarship, and innovation activities.

Why should I use ORCID iD's?

  • to differentiate yourself from peer researchers with the same or similar names,
  • to gather the published variations of an author's names under one ORCID iD,
  • to ensure your research outputs and activities are correctly assigned to you,
  • to reliably and easily connect you with your contributions and affiliations,
  • to improve recognition and discoverability of you and your research outputs by:
    • funding organizations,
    • publishers,
    • institutions,
    • potential collaborators,
    • anyone interested in your research activities,
  • to simplify application processes whenever needed.

ORCID is becoming the method of choice by funders and publishers to unambiguously link people to their publications and grants.

Need more reasons? ORCID:

  1. Reliably connects you with your works, affiliations and awards.
  2. Alleviates mistaken identity.
  3. Let's you control your iD.
  4. Integrates with many other systems, such as manuscript submissions, funders and repositories.
  5. Saves time.
  6. Improves recognition for you and your research.
  7. Increases discoverability of your research.
  8. Is free!
  9. Makes it easy to register.
  10. Is your lifelong digital identifier.

This means you can often use your ORCID iD instead of manually submitting personal and citation information, making grant submissions easier and means you don't have to repeatedly enter the same information into various systems

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