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Evidence Synthesis

This research guide provides an overview of the evidence synthesis process, guidance documents for conducting evidence synthesis projects, and links to resources to help you conduct a comprehensive and systematic search of the scholarly literature.

Search strategy

It is recommended that you work with a librarian to help you design comprehensive search strategies across a variety of databases. Writing a successful search strategy takes intimate knowledge of bibliographic databases.  


Boolean Logic

Using Boolean logic is an important component of writing a search strategy: 

  • "AND" narrows the search, e.g. children AND exercise
  • "OR" broadens the search, e.g. (children OR adolescents) AND (exercise OR diet) 
  • "NOT" excludes terms, e.g. exercise NOT diet 



A database feature called "truncation" helps you find word plurals and different word endings, e.g. pain* finds pain or pains, reduc* find reduce, reduction or reducing.


Other useful tips

  • Alternative spelling (pediatric or paediatric)
  • Local usage (operating room or theatre)
  • Brand or generic names (Panado or paracetamol)
  • Abbreviations (TB or tuberculosis)


Review your initial search results

  • Don't expect your search to be perfect the first time you run it.
  • Do your search results look as if they can answer your research question? If not, you will need to revise your search strategy.
  • Have you identified all the relevant databases to search?


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