During the data synthesis step, the main findings of the review need to be presented.
If the studies you have included in your evidence synthesis are sufficiently similar, or in other words, homogenous, you can synthesise the data from these studies using a process called "meta-analysis.” As the name suggests, a meta-analysis uses a statistical approach to bring together results from multiple studies.
If the studies you have included in your evidence synthesis are not similar (e.g. you have included different research designs due to diversity in the evidence base), then a meta-analysis is not possible. In this instance, you can synthesise the data from these studies using a process called “narrative or descriptive synthesis”.
A word of caution here: while the process underpinning meta-analysis is well established and standardised, the process underpinning narrative or descriptive synthesis is subjective and there is no one standard process for undertaking this.
In recent times, evidence syntheses of qualitative research are gaining popularity. Data synthesis in these studies may be termed as “meta-synthesis”. As with narrative or descriptive synthesis, there are a myriad of approaches to meta-synthesis.
Regardless of whether an evidence synthesis presents qualitative or quantitative information, reporting using the PRISMA flow diagram is recommended. The PRISMA website and its many adaptations can be very helpful in understanding components of systematic reviews, meta-analyses, and related evidence synthesis methods.
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